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Sorties > Vanoise > Le Grand Bec, La couloir Cicatrice et Grand Coude

Le Grand Bec, La couloir Cicatrice et Grand Coude ⭐⭐⭐

Massif : Vanoise
Départ : Chambéranger (1490 m)

Topos associés : Le Grand Bec, Grand Coude Le Grand Bec, face Nord-Ouest (voie Gromier)

Sommet associé : Le Grand Bec (3399 m)

Orientation : NW

Dénivelé : 1760 m.
Ski : 5.3

Sortie du vendredi 21 mars 2025


Conditions nivologiques, accès & météo

Météo/températures : Beau
Conditions d'accès/altitude du parking : 1490m
Altitude de chaussage/déchaussage : 2000m pour ascent, 1700m pour descent
Conditions pour le ski : bonne

Conditions nivo et activité avalancheuse : Very little avalanche activity observed in the face. Bare ice and some spindrift loaded areas in the cicatrice. The Coude entrance was powder and below was spring snow with very little sliding.

Skiabilité : 🙂 Bonne

Compte rendu

We leave Chamberanger at 07:30hr. To the base of the route takes us 2hr 30. Summit of the Cicatrice at 14:00

Fantastic route, a real line! Ive been looking at it from the valley for years!
The conditions made it quite hard to exit the cicatrice and would have been very difficult to ski safely. Some great ice but in places rock moves that were hard to protect. Some micro-friends would have been useful. We used a rack of totems blue-purple and ultralight camalots green-gold as well as some nuts. We thought the final pitch to exit was around M4-M5. 
From there we traversed into the Coude as spindrift was sending lots of snow down on us and the wind was picking up.
Fantastic ski down and amazing spring snow all the way back to the grass! A day to remember!

Note - I would agree with others comments of the descent being more 5.2 than .3 however maybe the exposure of the cicatrice all day made it feel nicer!


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