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Accueil > Actu > Matériel > Transceiver Review 2010

Transceiver Review 2010 - Matériel

4 votes

Transceiver Review 2010

Proposé par virgi le 05.02.10 à 10:35 :: :: 633 vus :: 295 clics :: 0 commentaires :: Matériel

This review follows on from the now dated Transceiver Review 2007. I will be doing the same basic comparisons for the transceivers that I am testing but I am not going to re test the models that I completely discounted in the 2007 test. I am going to retest the Ortovox S1 as although I was not a fan in 2007 I didn't completely discount it and the software has changed significantly. New to the test are the Barryvox Pulse and the Tracker 2. The Pulse has been around for a while but is new to us at Facewest and the BCA Tracker 2 has only just been released. »


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