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Sorties > Vanoise > Grande Casse, Couloir des Italiens, descent par le Face Nord Centrale

Grande Casse, Couloir des Italiens, descent par le Face Nord Centrale ⭐⭐

Massif : Vanoise
Départ : Pralognan la Vanoise (le Plan) (1410 m)

Topos associés : Grande Casse, Face Nord centrale Grande Casse, Couloir des Italiens

Sommet associé : Grande Casse (3855 m)

Orientation : N

Dénivelé : 2200 m.
Ski : 5.2

Sortie du jeudi 6 mars 2025


Conditions nivologiques, accès & météo

Weather/temperatures: beautiful
Access conditions/parking altitude: Skin from Pralognan center 1410m
Skiing/snowboarding altitude: 1410m
Skiing conditions: good

Snow conditions and avalanche activity: The snow on the north face was very good condition however unfortunately 2 sections of the Italian corridor were ice. A 60m or so section by the entrance to the finishing gully and also a short 50m section by the entrance to the seracs. Some wind slab in the lower north face and very hard snow on the summit but on the whole the central north face was in very good condition and soft spindrift powder. Multiple small crevasses visible above the seracs on the Central north face. Very little avalanche activity on the north face.

Skiabilité : 🙂 Bonne

Compte rendu

Start from Pralognan center at 05.00am. Summit for 2:45pm The snow on the Italian corridor was perhaps skiable however my partner turned around at the first seracs due to sickness and so I decided a solo descent without rope for the ice sections would be too dangerous. The way up was fantastic, 2 ice axes and crampons were necessary for the whole corridor and we could only skin around 200m from the Col du Grande Casse before we changed to walking. Much longer than I expected, the face just keeps coming! The final section to gain the gully felt very exposed without a rope and ice screws with the fatigue in the legs but the ice was very good for the axes!

The central north face was perfect snow. Some exposed crevasses in the upper section were beginning to be visible  above the main seracs. Take care!


Cyrille4807, le 06.03.25 22:15

Very impressive ! Impressionnant !
Congratulations guys ! Bravo les gars !
Thanks for sharing.
Merci pour le partage.

Ben_Kent, le 06.03.25 22:19

merci Cyrille4807 ! Un grand jour! Les jambes sont fatiguées!

guilhem1492, le 06.03.25 22:38

Great! Solo climbing 'les Italiens' in icy conditions is difficult. Hope you can ski down this route later this spring!

pierre o, le 07.03.25 12:09

Great Break ? Ahhhh, la grande casse ! leave concreat ;-)

Ricky, le 08.03.25 07:10

Great pics Ben

Cette sortie
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