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Sorties > Vanoise > Grande Casse, Central North Face

Grande Casse, Central North Face ⭐⭐⭐

Massif : Vanoise
Départ : Pralognan la Vanoise (le Plan) (1410 m)

Topo associé : Grande Casse, Face Nord centrale

Sommet associé : Grande Casse (3855 m)

Orientation : N

Dénivelé : 2300 m.
Ski : 5.2

Sortie du jeudi 6 février 2025


Conditions nivologiques, accès & météo

Weather/temperatures: perfect, cold and clear 
Access conditions/parking altitude: 1410m
Skiing/snowboarding altitude: 1410m
Skiing conditions: good

Snow conditions and avalanche activity: the lower central face had been affected by the wind. Good in the first 250m with soft powder but after it became crust. Little to no avalanche activity on the face. Lots of spindrift falling in the north face constantly filling tracks.

Skiabilité : 🙂 Bonne

Compte rendu

6am start from Pralognan. We decided to ascend the petit face nord and then link the ridge to the entrance for the central north face. Very good snow in the face for the ascent which made progress efficient. The ridge was low in snow. Crampons, ice ax necessary. We roped up and placed a few ice screws to protect the mixed climbing.

The first 200m of the central north was good powder but the lower face had been affected badly by the wind. Ski down into the sunset. Pralognan for 5:00 p.m.


David Z, le 07.02.25 16:44

great guys ! picture 7 : rope not strenght, if one fall, what about the second ? Take care of you :)

Cyrille4807, le 08.02.25 10:33

Awsome !
Thanks for sharing this wonderfull descent (is it the right word?).
The pictures are breathtaking ! 
Thank-you for the English course and mountaineering vocabulary !
I sign up to your account to improve my English !

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