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Ski touring partner around Grenoble

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[3 posts] - Le 06/09/2024 18:21

Hello, I'm Katharina, 24 years old, and I am currently doing my PhD in Grenoble. I have been here on and off for more than two years now, but will spend the whole winter and spring 2025 in and around Grenoble, and I am looking for people to go skitouring with! I would be interested in doing single/half day trips during the week occasionally, and maybe longer tours on the weekend, also multiple days. I have a car and would be open also for trips to the Ecrins or Haute Savoie! :)

[1244 posts] - Le 11/09/2024 10:54

Hello Katharina,

As no-one has replied yet I will just add a couple of words. It is normally quite easy to find ski touring partners on Skitour but perhaps there will be more activity when the season starts. I'm sure there will be people interested in practising their English too as Grenoble is a very international city. There are always people interested in making up groups, particuarly in the week when there are fewer people around.


Comme personne n'a encore répondu, je me permets d'ajouter quelques mots. Il est normalement assez facile de trouver des partenaires de ski de randonnée sur Skitour, mais il y aura peut-être plus d'activité lorsque la saison commencera. Je suis sûr qu'il y aura des personnes intéressées par la pratique de l'anglais car Grenoble est une ville très internationale. Il y a toujours des personnes intéressées pour former des groupes, surtout en semaine quand il y a moins de monde.

[11 posts] - Le 05/12/2024 22:07

Hi Katharina,
I just finished working in Geneva and I am back in Chambéry. I will not work until march so I have the whole winter season free.
I am also 24 yo and a big mountain lover.
Please let me know if you're still interested.
Cheers !

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