1. Skitouring partner for this weekend (katharina.schreiner le 13.11.2024 à 07:08)
Hello, everyone, I am Katharina, 24 years old, and currently doing my PhD in Grenoble. I am not a very fast skier, but I love skitouring, and I am looking for a skitouring partner for this weekend (maybe Vanoise/Ecrins), and maybe also other weekends...
2. Ski touring partner around Grenoble (katharina.schreiner le 06.09.2024 à 18:21)
Hello, I'm Katharina, 24 years old, and I am currently doing my PhD in Grenoble. I have been here on and off for more than two years now, but will spend the whole winter and spring 2025 in and around Grenoble, and I am looking for people to go skitou...
3. Skit touring partner (katharina.schreiner le 13.12.2023 à 20:44)
Hello! I am Katharina, I am 23 and from Austria, and currently doing my PhD in Grenoble. I love being in the mountains, and am currently looking for partners for some relaxed skitouring around Grenoble, or somewhere else in the French alps. I speak E...
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