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Skit touring partner

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[1 post] - Le 13/12/2023 20:44

Hello! I am Katharina, I am 23 and from Austria, and currently doing my PhD in Grenoble. I love being in the mountains, and am currently looking for partners for some relaxed skitouring around Grenoble, or somewhere else in the French alps. I speak English and German, and am currently learning French, and would be happy to meet like-minded people! :)

[64 posts] - Le 14/12/2023 09:06

Hey, I'm not much help as I've got three young kids so my life is the Croix de Chamrousse and the Vans. :^)
I arrived in the area 20 years ago and like you wanted to get involved with Ski touring ... I was a Postdoc at CEA and found the section montagne there very good, and most importantly they gave me a good formation about ski touring ... it's a bit more complicated than being able to ski and having a good motor.
Alternatively there is the GUM ... at the University ...
And I'm sure you'll also meet people, but maybe an association is a good place to start. Bref, it you are working in research, you'll have no problem finding ski tourers ... there seems to be a strong link between the metier and the mountains.

[3 posts] - Le 14/12/2023 11:07

Hi, I'm also new in Grenoble for an exchange semester. You can contact me on WhatsApp if you'd like : zero zero 32 493 fifty-six 30 fifteen

[238 posts] - Le 23/12/2023 18:16

Hello Katharina, I'm also looking for partners for some "relaxed skitouring" around . Cool rythm and average elevation in mountain calm vibe. I can speak English correctly (and some word in German) and will be glad to help you with your French. My number: 06 19 49 57 73. See you then and happy Christmas, Djack

[2 posts] - Le 01/01/2024 11:44

Hello Katharina,
I am Sarah (26). I live in Grenoble for almost 3 years now. I love outdoors sports and being outside no matter the season. I am also looking for a partner for skiing. I also like relax skitouring without too hard terrains. I practice usually with my boyfriends. We also like weekend ski trips with a night in a mountain hut.
You can contact me by WP to organize something togethers if you like. : +336twentyfive081863
Regards. 😄

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