26 votes
Aux Etats-Unis, le mont McKinley n’existe plus
Proposé par bruno_G le 31.08.15 à 16:49 :: www.lemonde.fr :: 1027 vus :: 998 clics :: 3 commentaires :: Politique et Société
6194 metres?... Le Monde devrait verifier leur source...
In September 2013, Alaska's government announced the mountain is 20,237 ft (6,168 m) tall and not 20,320 ft (6,194 m) as measured in 1952 using photogrammetry. The Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, said the more accurate height was 83 feet (25 m) lower using measurements from a 2012 survey that used Interferometric synthetic aperture radar.[9] The new height was accepted by the U.S. Geological Survey and is now part of its National Elevation Dataset.[10]
D'un autre cote peux-t-on vraiment faire confiance au gouvernement de l'Alaska depuis Sarah Palin?!...